From elementary to higher ed: McGlone wraps up time at Prichard

GRAYSON With more than 20 years of experience in K-12 education — 19 of those years as Principal of Prichard Elementary School — Jason McGlone has no doubt made an impact on the local learning environment.

McGlone announced his retirement from the administrative role at Prichard, and days later shared he accepted the position of assistant professor and Dean of the Keeran School of Education at Kentucky Christian University, where he hopes to continue molding education in the area, this time through the future educators.

“It was an unexpected turn of events in my career,” McGlone said. “Most of my career experience is in K-12 education.”

McGlone said, despite the switch to higher education, he sees similarities between the youngest of students and those continuing on in career-based courses.

“One of the greatest things I got to see as an elementary principal is a student who came through Prichard, East Middle, East High, graduated and then went on to either a career or continued their education,” McGlone said.

“I was in the beginning stage for several years and now I’ll see the stage where they get the education to enter their careers,” McGlone said, comparing the two age groups through the desire to be “lifelong learners.”

McGlone spoke highly of the education department at KCU, stating he only hopes to expand and continue to build on what’s already well-established.

“KCU always produced really good teachers. I was fortunate to hire several graduates from KCU (as principal) and I hope to continue that tradition,” McGlone said.

In reference to specific goals as Dean in the education department, McGlone hopes to show future teachers KCU is an affordable and productive program.

In addition to recruitment and increasing the number of future-teacher enrollment, McGlone is eager to explore alternative routes for teacher certifications.

“Affordability is the key,” McGlone said of those alternative routes, including those that will allow for full-time employment in the school system while working toward certification.

“That’s the key,” McGlone said.

In the transition, McGlone said there is opportunity to learn himself but aims to do with higher education what he has accomplished at the younger level.

“I hope that I will be able to help these students in education with teaching and learning practices and influence them to see what good teaching and learning means,” McGlone said.