Expand the Thermal airport instead of the Palm Springs airport

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Perhaps it's time to explore the possibility of utilizing Jackie Cochran (Thermal - KTRM) as our next major airport. Like other growing cities, airports have relocated to areas which allow expansion and most importantly, safety. Runway lengths are adequate to allow most Boeing and Airbus airframes to safely land and take off. The two runways can be lengthened as well.

As a pilot, I have landed at TRM many times with overall safe and easy approach and takeoff procedures.

Living in Palm Desert full time, one cannot help notice aircrafts on final descent – at 2,500 feet AGL, overhead with accompanying noise − and have thought that many, God forbid, accidents happen on final approach.

This would help east valley economies and perhaps even promote a light rail system through the nine valley cities – all of which are growing exponentially. I would more than willing to serve on a committee to explore the possibilities.

Nicholas M. Latkovic, Palm Desert

Voters choosing between democracy and extremism

Donald Trump is now a convicted felon. The law prevailed and a jury returned a guilty verdict on all 34 counts based on irrefutable evidence. Now he is running for president again. Make no mistake, Trump is the useful idiot for the conservative Republican Party. His first term was tempered by members of his own staff who knew he was incapable and unwilling to perform his constitutional duties. If elected again, he threatens to use every means possible to revenge against everyone who tried to hold him accountable.

This time, with the help of Stephen Miller, Steve Bannon and other right-winged operatives, he will deliberately dismantle our democracy by cultivating ties with white nationalists and anti-immigration groups crafting plans to have raids and mass deportations. He wants to ban abortion nationwide, roll back infrastructure and repeal the Affordable Care Act. He wants to cut Social Security and Medicare. We have made so much progress under President Biden. If we value democracy over extremism and the unhinged cult of Trump, we must stand up for freedom and vote to reelect President Biden.

Roxie Bivinetto, Palm Desert

Palm Desert surf park? Please no.

Many years ago, I suggested to a councilperson that Palm Desert should change its name to “Palm No-Desert.” How prophetic! And now the council in all its wisdom is allowing a surf park – and guess where – adjacent to our beautiful Desert Willow golf facility. I’m sure the golfers will enjoy hearing the happy or terrified screams of those being pummeled by the surf.

And water? The same usage as one golf hole. I’m sure factored into that statistic is the usage of the residents and hotel guests who will be occupying this new surf park. And how I’m going to enjoy the influx from near and (the council is hoping) far. I’ll love the crowded markets, overfull restaurants and traffic-filled streets. I just can’t wait for this tourist attraction to be completed.

Louise Kermode, Palm Desert

This article originally appeared on Palm Springs Desert Sun: Expand Thermal’s airport instead of Palm Springs’ airport