Government faces severe backlash after cutting trees harboring endangered animals: 'It's just complete madness'

Government contractors have cut down trees that provided habitats to endangered animals in an Australian national park.

As Yahoo reported, officials claimed the trees needed to be cut down to reduce fire threats and protect wildlife. However, at least one endangered animal is already dead, and investigations reveal that none of the trees actually required removal.

What's happening?

Victoria's Yarra Ranges National Park was home to greater gliders, nocturnal and koala-like marsupials that are endangered and lived in centuries-old eucalyptus trees. Forest Fire Management Victoria marked the trees to be cut down, claiming they posed hazards.

Wildlife of the Central Highlands investigators and conservationists pleaded with government officials to spare the trees and greater gliders living inside them. Independent arborists found that only six of the 16 trees in question needed work, but they all had high value, and none of them needed to be removed.

"Even if it was a hazardous tree, which we know it wasn't, there was an endangered species in there so why wouldn't you not still work to protect it?" questioned World Wide Fund for Nature-Australia conservation scientist Dr. Kita Ashman.

Why are endangered species important?

Although government officials claim they made every effort possible to minimize the environmental effects of cutting down the trees, animal advocacy organizations are skeptical. Protecting wildlife is crucial to maintaining healthy ecosystems for all of Earth's creatures, especially as our world becomes more volatile due to the changing climate.

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"Our wildlife is on the frontline of climate change, habitat destruction, and urbanization, and Australia has the highest mammal extinction rate in the world. It is incredibly distressing to have reports of endangered wildlife impacted under these circumstances and we renew our call for greater wildlife protection," said Wildlife Victoria CEO Lisa Palma.

"There are so many claims that they're doing things the right way, but that can't be the case because they're killing endangered species. Where is the oversight? Where is the prosecution for killing endangered animals? It's just complete madness," said Dr. Ashman.

What's being done about national park habitat loss?

There is an urgent need for endangered animal reform and protecting the habitats of critically threatened habitats. Forest logging is putting our planet's national parks at risk, at the expense of animals that need the space and resources they provide.

Individuals can make a difference by sharing news like this with people they know to raise awareness about native forest logging. You can preserve native habits close to home by rewilding your yard to create safe havens for local animals and avoiding pesticides that could affect their health. Another idea is to support innovative conservation techniques like biobanking for future conservation and endangered animal breeding programs.

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