Hurray! It’s MCG’s Match Day!

NORTH AUGUSTA, S.C. (WJBF) – What’s the best day for graduating medical students all over the country? Match Day! Seniors at the Medical College of Georgia piled into SRP Park on Friday to find out where they’ll be going for their residency programs.

It’s an emotional and exciting day for many. After years of hard work and dedication, this is one of the final steps before the class of 2024 starts their careers as doctors.

Medical students from MCG in Augusta and the AU-UGA partner campus in Athens waited eagerly to find out what residency program they were matched with.

“Realistically wherever we match, is the best match. Whoever I get is number one, baby,” said students Edie Threlkeld and Cayman Bickerstaff.

“There’s nowhere I’m really set on, I have like five that I really like and we’ll see,” said student Chris Megias.

“My fiancé is already a resident in Chicago so we’ve been apart for two years, two years is plenty,” said student Natalie Zink. “I’m hoping to go up to Chicago to be with him.”

This year’s theme was early 2000’s, and everyone dressed up in their best costumes just added to the fun.

“I’m Shego, she’s Kim Possible, enemies but besties,” said student Amelia Vu.

“I’m with School of Rock with Jack Black,” Megias said. “It was on Netflix recently and I watched it, and that was kind of the inspiration.”

“I am the fairy godmother from Shrek,” said Class President Sholeh Rezaee.

Students we spoke to look back fondly over the last four years.

“I can’t imagine a better culmination for all this hard work, and I can’t thank MCG enough for everything they did and for taking a chance on me. I’m just happy to be here,” said student Chase McIntosh.

When it came time to open their envelopes, the crowd erupted in cheers.

“I matched at Virginia commonwealth university for pathology,” student Mae Yemon said.

All are looking forward to making an impact in the areas that need it most.

“I think I’m just looking forward to getting into rural and underserved communities, there’s a lot of barriers to care, they’re shutting down a lot of L and D’s across the country,” Cayman Bickerstaff said. “So, getting my residency and then getting out in those communities to provide care is my goal.”

“I’m so excited and so happy, it’s just the most emotional thing ever,” Rezaee said. “I’m so proud of them and they’re like the most incredible people ever, and I’m so excited to see what everyone does.”

All 244 students in the class got a residency position – and based on the energy in the park, it’s a match made in heaven.

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