JFK assassination: Release of secret files to end 50-year wait for conspiracy theorists

For conspiracy theorists it has been half a century in the making – the moment to finally find out the truth about John F. Kennedy’s assassination.

More than 3,000 top secret files related to the US president’s murder will be released on Thursday, to be pored over by historians for clues about his death.

The documents – made famous in the 1991 Oliver Stone thriller JFK – are being published after Donald Trump announced at the weekend he would not block their release.

They are expected to include testimony and letters from the heads of the CIA and FBI, Kennedy’s wife Jackie and the attorney of a mafia boss central to the mystery.

It is hoped the files will end the great lingering questions about the 1963 killing: Was there a second shooter alongside assassin Lee Harvey Oswald? Was he part of a wider conspiracy with others?

They may also cast light on darker sides in America’s history, including the lengths intelligence agencies went to defend their reputation after the killing and the full scale of US espionage during the Cold War. 

President John F. Kennedy slumps down in the back seat of the Presidential limousine as it speeds along Elm Street toward the Stemmons Freeway overpass in Dallas after being fatally shot. [Nov. 22, 1963 file photo] - Credit: AP Photo/James W. "Ike" Altgens
President John F. Kennedy slumps down in the back seat of the Presidential limousine as it speeds along Elm Street toward the Stemmons Freeway overpass in Dallas after being fatally shot. [Nov. 22, 1963 file photo] Credit: AP Photo/James W. "Ike" Altgens

But for those hoping the files will end once and for all the conspiracy theories surrounding the killing, historians have a simple warning – don’t count on it. 

“They don’t necessarily get stopped by facts,” said Gerald Posner, author of the Pulitzer Prize nominated Case Closed: Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK.

He told The Daily Telegraph there is unlikely to be a “blockbuster” discovery, but the files should shed light on some key unanswered questions.

One surrounds a trip Oswald made to Mexico City, a hotbed of communist activity at the time, just weeks before the attack in Dallas, Texas.

Another is why more was not done to investigate Jack Ruby, the Texas nightclub owner who shot Oswald just two days after he assassinated the President – ending the chance of a full interrogation.

A third is whether Oswald, who had visited the Soviet Union before the attack, had plotted the killing with a foreign power or criminal network.

I think the conspiracies will live on far beyond the release of these documents.

Gerald Posner, author 'Case Closed: Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK’

“The tougher question has always been did Oswald do it for himself or did he do it for someone else,” said Mr Posner. 

"I can find no evidence that links him with a conspiracy. If that evidence was in there on Thursday, then I would change my mind.

“But I would hope the same thing would apply to people who think it’s a conspiracy. If they don’t find the evidence they’ve been looking for all these years, [I hope] they might start to consider the possibility that Oswald had done it alone.

“I don’t think that will happen. I think the conspiracies will live on far beyond the release of these documents.” 

American interest is expected to be intense. A trial run in July that saw the National Archives release a fraction of the files led to a computer system crash.

Problems with the archives themselves could also be problematic. The ink on some documents is expected to have faded beyond repair, with no copies made.

JFK asssassination: | Key documents to watch

Other files, experts fears, will be so packed with intelligence code-names now long-forgotten that they are effectively “gibberish”.

It remains possible that some files will still be kept back, with the law demanding their release giving the US President the right to withhold information back for reasons like national security.

Mr Trump caveated his support for the release on Saturday by saying documents would be published "subject to the receipt of further information”.

Some fear informants who passed intelligence to America could be named in the files, angering their families and fracturing ties with the nations involved.

Whatever emerges, changing public opinion will be a tall order. According to a poll in October, two thirds of Americans still think Oswald did not act alone