John Oliver claims 'right wing dipsh*t' Ron DeSantis didn’t think through law against Disney

On Last Week Tonight With John Oliver Sunday, Oliver took aim at Florida Governor Ron DeSantis over recent legislation against Disney. In response to Disney coming out against Florida’s so-called “Don’t Say Gay” bill, the Republican-led Florida legislature passed a bill revoking Disney’s special tax status, which DeSantis signed into law. Despite DeSantis saying otherwise, experts say the move will substantially increase taxes on Floridians.

“There are plenty of signs that DeSantis didn’t really think this through, with experts pointing out that the law might actually violate the contract clause of the Florida constitution,” Oliver said. “And also, the Florida state law requires the county assumes the district’s debt when it’s dissolved, which could mean that Orange and Osceola counties, where the district is, inherit upward of a billion dollars in bond debt.”

Oliver made clear that he doesn’t have a problem with Disney paying higher taxes, but more so why they’ll be paying higher taxes if the law goes into effect next year as planned.

“Do I think it’s bad if Disney pays more taxes? No, I don’t. That would be a good thing,” Oliver said. “I don’t love that it might happen, not through meaningful tax reform, but on the whim of one right wing dipsh*t who’s scared of gay people and doesn’t understand the first amendment. But hey, ends, means, what are you gonna do?”

Video Transcript

JOHN OLIVER: A lot of governors and local officials are on the ballot this year, and some have been trying to make a splash with big stunts like Ron DeSantis, governor of Florida, and a man who has what I can only describe as "Green Book" vibes.

KYLIE MAR: On "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver" Sunday, Oliver slammed Florida governor Ron DeSantis over the state's new law stripping Disney of its special tax status in the state. The bill was passed in retaliation for Disney coming out against Florida's so-called "Don't Say Gay" bill. DeSantis has said Disney will end up paying more in taxes, which Oliver doesn't have a problem with, but he does have a problem with why.

JOHN OLIVER: Do I think it's bad if Disney pays more taxes? No, I don't. That would be a good thing. I don't love that it might happen not through meaningful tax reform but on the whim of one right wing dipshit who's scared of gay people and doesn't understand the First Amendment. But hey, ends, means, what are you going to do?

KYLIE MAR: Oliver also pointed out that Disney may be right in claiming that the new legislation is unlawful and laid out why DeSantis' assertion that the move will not substantially raise taxes for some Floridians may not be true according to Florida law.

JOHN OLIVER: But there are plenty of signs that DeSantis didn't really think this through with experts pointing out that the law may actually violate the contract clause of the Florida Constitution and also the Florida State law requires the county assumes the district's debt when it's dissolved, which could mean that Orange and Osceola counties, where the district is, inherit upward of $1 billion in bond debt.