‘Kevin Can Wait’ Season 2: Kevin James Finds Comfort With ‘King Of Queens’ Carrie After Death Of TV Wife

Kevin James and Leah Remini are back together for Kevin Can Wait
Kevin James and Leah Remini are back together for Kevin Can Wait

Kevin Can Wait will not pull a This Is Us and drag out a main character’s death storyline. When the CBS sitcom picks up for its season, a period of time will have passed since viewers last saw Kevin Gable (Kevin James) and his clan—and not just enough time for Kevin to grow a beard. Producers have already revealed that about a year will have passed since the show’s Season 1 finale, with Kevin now adjusting to being a widower. The news of the Kevin Can Wait creative reset came this summer when it was announced that James’ TV wife, played by Erinn Hayes, would be killed off and James’ longtime King of Queens co-star, Leah Remini, will join the show.

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