Labour Not Looking at Football Transfer Tax, Starmer Says

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(Bloomberg) -- Labour leader Keir Starmer said his party isn’t planning to introduce a levy on player transfers by Premier League soccer plans, knocking on the head an idea that a senior member of his team said on Monday was still being considered.

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“Let me just kill that one: we’re not looking at that,” Starmer told LBC radio on Tuesday when asked about the potential measure. “Thangam said we’d look at the Tracey Crouch proposals.”

Starmer’s remarks come less than a day after Thangam Debbonaire, who’s set to become secretary of state for digital, culture, media, and sport if Labour wins the UK’s July 4 election, told reporters in Bristol that the party would look at proposals for a transfer levy that had been discarded by the current Conservative government.

The idea stems from a review into football governance carried out in 2021 by the then Tory member of Parliament and former sports minister Tracey Crouch, which found a levy could raise £160 million ($203 million) a year for redistribution to lower-league clubs.

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