Legacy fund set up in memory of basketball player

A legacy fund has been set up in memory of a Jersey basketball player who died last month.

Guillaume Hoareau, 40, suffered a cardiac arrest during a match between Jersey and Guernsey on 19 May.

The Jersey Basketball Association (JBBA) said it was establishing the Guillaume Hoareau Legacy Fund after talks with Mr Hoareau's family.

It said it wanted to raise £25,000 to create a legacy in memory of former "team-mate and friend, G".

Part of the legacy plans include the renovation of one of Jersey’s outdoor courts [BBC]

The JBA said on Facebook: "Since the loss of our dear Guillaume we have received many offers of support.

"We are extremely grateful for this. Having discussed this with the family, we have decided to establish the Guillaume Hoareau Legacy Fund."

It said the money would go towards supporting young players, growing basketball connections in Jersey and establishing a physical memorial dedicated to Mr Hoareau.

"These represent things G gave his time and passion towards, and we feel will honour him and continue his incredible work for our community," it said.

Part of the plans include the renovation of one of Jersey’s outdoor courts to "create an exciting space for young people", the JBA said.

The JBBA said it was in the process of applying for charitable status and invited members of the public to contribute to its legacy fundraising page.

The association said it would "provide ongoing updates on the status and work of the fund".

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