Letter to the Editor: Bar associations must insist on removal of Justices Thomas and Alito

U.S. Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito have engaged in insurrectionist activities, or at the least appear in support of it, by supporting calls to state legislators to create false electors ( Thomas); flying the American flag in support of insurrection at home (Alito) ; and by refusing to rule in a timely fashion so as to impede resolution of the president's "absolute immunity" issue, contrary to procedural and substantive precedent. Both fail judicial impartiality by ruling on cases of “friends” giving expensive “gifts."

Chief Justice John Roberts seems unable to stop such breach of legal ethics. Congressional impeachment of these justices is necessary, but seems unlikely given Republican obstruction.

It is time for bar associations nationwide to insist Alito and Thomas be removed from the court and disbarred from practicing law. Every lawyer in this country has sworn an oath to behave ethically and uphold the constitutions and laws of state and nation. This includes Alito and Thomas.

Why are the lawyers of this country remaining silent while the rule of law weakens at every level of adjudication (Judge Cannon)?

Speak now or we may forever have to hold our peace. The law may not be able to retain its union with justice and freedom, unless we speak now.

Columbus resident Louise Annarino is a former Ohio assistant attorney general, former associate director of legal affairs at Ohio University, and a former attorney at Legal Aid Society of Columbus who is now retired from the practice of law.

This article originally appeared on The Columbus Dispatch: Letter to the Editor: Alito and Thomas should be removed, disbarred