Letter: Pennsylvania lawmakers must rally around school funding


Much has been written about the accomplishments of our 2024 graduates in Berks County. As we celebrate these students, we need to recognize that the public schools within our area are grappling with a funding deficiency exceeding $100 million.

Republican state Sen. Scott Martin, who represents my area, is a supporter of our schools and needs to understand the benefits in voting for Gov. Josh Shapiro’s increased funding for public education.

Berks will benefit if Martin advocates to approve this funding. An increase can curb our local tax burden and ensure quality education, benefiting our community by supporting local economies with educated workers.

Pennsylvania has a surplus of $14 billion. Shapiro has proposed funneling $1.8 billion of it into education. If this proposal is accepted, schools in Martin’s district stand to gain about $28 million.

A recent poll revealed that 76% of voters in the 13th District favor boosting public school funding.

This gives Martin a golden opportunity to listen to the voices of his constituents.

Legislators must prioritize the needs of their constituents over party politics. People have made their stance clear and want legislators to work in a bipartisan fashion to support our schools. We need our voices heard.

Sandra Deemer

Caernarvon Township