Letters to the editor: Grossman far from a philanthropist; a plea about fireworks

Grossman isn’t a philanthropist

Re: your June 12 story, “Grossman gets 15 years to life for deaths in hit-and-run”:

I have closely followed the story of the Iskander brothers. In recent news stories, the woman who hit the boys with her car is consistently referred to as a philanthropist. I don’t know what journalistic standard transformed her from the socialite of the early stories to a philanthropist.

I am glad to know that this woman has been of help to some people in need of burn care services. The reason I write is that I worked 35 years as a family doctor in Oxnard. I learned of countless acts of kindness and service performed by my patients for others that required time and effort and love and sacrifice.

None of these people would be called philanthropists. They would be called field laborers or factory workers or teachers or medical assistants. If I were to describe a person who drove her car too fast after midday drinks with a friend, I would say that she was a person who lost her way, and the outcome was horrific.

Josephine Soliz, Camarillo

Don’t use fireworks in Oxnard

A plea to the residents of Oxnard:

Neighbors, the Fourth of July is fast approaching. Although the use of fireworks within Oxnard city limits, including those deemed safe and sane, have been declared illegal in Oxnard, many of you have already started using these devices, many of which are neither safe nor sane.

Granted, this is only one resident appealing to the masses albeit I am sure that I am not the only one who would like this practice to stop. And granted, what I am asking is infringing on your freedom to use such devices and break Oxnard’s ordnance.

However, what about the freedom of all the other residents whom you disturb with these unnecessary explosions? What about their freedoms? What about their right to peace and quiet? Do you not have any respect for your neighbors? What about those veterans who have survived horrendous wartime conditions and have safely returned with the hope to spend the rest of their lives in peace and quiet? What about these people? Have you not heard about PTSD? What about those pets which, at the sound of fireworks, get so disturbed and/or frightened that they run from their homes and caretakers or need to be sedated? This in itself is a form of animal cruelty. And all of this for what? Your ability to make loud noise as you please?

Thus, I am asking, actually pleading, that you please do not use fireworks of any kind within the city of Oxnard. There are plenty of free public fireworks shows throughout the county which can be enjoyed. And these are safe. Please be considerate of your neighbors. Thank you.

Ray Blattel, Oxnard

This article originally appeared on Ventura County Star: Letters: Grossman far from a philanthropist; a plea about fireworks