‘Little People, Big World’: Audrey Roloff Says Breastfeeding Pain Is As Bad As Labor, As Ember Turns 2 Weeks

Audrey Roloff poses at 39 weeks of pregnancy
Audrey Roloff poses at 39 weeks of pregnancy

It’s now been two weeks since Little People, Big World stars Jeremy and Audrey Roloff welcomed their baby daughter, Ember Jean, into the world.

As her name indicates, Ember has brought joy and light into the couple’s life together. However, in an Instagram post from Sunday night (Sept. 24), Audrey admitted that the two weeks following her baby girl’s birth have been very difficult for her.

“While I am overflowing with love for my daughter and husband, I won’t sugar coat it.. these past two weeks have been HARD,” the reality TV star confessed. “The first 24 hours with Ember were bliss, but after that it was as if I went back into labor again.”

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