Man's neck punctured in glass bottle attack

Police tape
West Yorkshire Police closed roads in Halifax town centre following the incident [Getty Images]

A man has suffered a serious puncture wound to his neck, after a violent altercation broke out in Halifax.

West Yorkshire Police received reports that the 26-year-old had been attacked with a glass bottle in the early hours of Saturday.

Two other injured men, aged 38 and 52, were found by police and treated in hospital for facial injuries.

A 38-year-old man has since been arrested and remains in custody.

Police were called to the altercation on Commercial Street at about 01:20 BST.

Officer said although the full circumstances had not been established, the violence was thought to have broken out on Clare Road, continued onto Ward's End and ended on Commercial Street.

The area was cordoned off and a road closure remains in place at the junction of Clare Road and New Road.

Any witnesses to the incident have been asked to come forward.

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