Mischa Barton Attributes Recent Mental Evaluation To A Drugged Drink

Mischa Barton
Mischa Barton

Mischa Barton has been released from her recent hospitalization for mental evaluation and says that her odd behavior was caused by a drug that was put into her drink. Wednesday was Mischa’s birthday, and she says that she celebrated with some friends that night. She says that at some point during her birthday celebration, GHB was put in her drink. 31-year-old Barton told People that she actually noticed that her behavior was becoming erratic on Wednesday night and that it became increasingly so over the next few hours.

Mischa Barton was admitted to the hospital following a visit to her home by the Los Angeles Police Department. They were responding to multiple calls from neighbors of her “yelling and screaming.” The behavior that led to her hospitalization took place the following morning. GHB is commonly known as the date rape drug.

“I voluntarily went to get professional help, and I was informed by their staff that I had been given GHB. After an overnight stay, I am home and doing well. I would like to extend a big thanks of gratitude to the professionals at Cedars-Sinai for their great care and professionalism. This is a lesson to all young women out there, be aware of your surroundings.”