Now is not the time for Botox or elective surgery. We need to protect doctors, nurses.

Q. I want to get my Botox so that when I’m in quarantine I don’t feel bad. My provider said he closed his office because of the threat to people and the general population. What do you think of that?

A. Your provider is absolutely right. We at Miami Plastic Surgery have closed the office until the risk of infection is low.

The problem with this virus is that for every one person who is infected, there may be four to five more infections to spread. From past history, the most beneficial way to prevent further infection and put less demand on the already stressed medical system is to stay at home and have the least exposure possible.

The U.S. Surgeon General said that every elective surgery should be canceled. It is imperative that all of us try to preserve any medical equipment that is necessary for the good of all Americans.

We will all get through this and we will be here to serve the community.

In the meantime, you should limit all exposure to other people. When possible, shop online and don’t hoard supplies. Don’t forget to help your neighbor. If you have an elderly neighbor who needs to have supplies, shop for them but leave the supplies outside so that you have no interaction with them.

Read the newspapers and listen to the news to get the most up-to-date, accurate information.

And don’t forget to wash your hands!!