Police: Manchester gym owner assaulted teen girl

Jun. 22—A Manchester gym owner has been arrested after he allegedly sexually assaulted a teenage girl in the women's locker room.

Terry Dow, 51, owner of The Training Station, 200 Elm St., was charged with felonious sexual assault and simple assault, according to a news release from Manchester police.

The charges stem from a report made in May to the state Division of Children, Youth and Families about an alleged assault. DCYF contacted Manchester police, who investigated and issued an arrest warrant for Dow.

Police said the report alleged that Dow had picked up the girl at her home and brought her to the gym to work as a volunteer cleaner. There, he entered the locker room where the girl was cleaning, and "touched her in an inappropriate way," the news release said.

"Afterward, Dow told the teen not to tell her parents," police said. But the girl confided in adults that day, launching the investigation.

Dow turned himself in to police on Thursday and was released on personal recognizance bail pending a court hearing on July 25.

Police are asking anyone with information about the case to contact them at 603-668-8711.