Scottsdale Detective Ryan So's life honored by loved ones, colleagues, supporters

Mourners gathered Thursday morning at Highlands Church to honor the life of Scottsdale police Detective Ryan So, who died last week of an accidental gunshot after serving a search warrant.

A huge American flag hung from Scottsdale Fire Department trucks. Below it, tens of police cars lined the streets. The funeral at the church was open only to law enforcement officers and So's family.

A procession to the cemetery began around 11:30 a.m. when teams of police motorcycles exited the church entrance, followed by the hearse carrying So’s American flag-draped casket. They were followed by about another 50 other police and Fire Department vehicles.

Some Scottsdale residents joined the procession route to show their support for So and the Scottsdale Police Department.

Steve Carr, whose father was a police officer, said So’s story was tragic.

“You read his background, and your heart just goes out to the cops and his family,” he said. Carr also brought his son, who had noticed helicopters flying around the area.

Across the street was Bernadette Sparanese and her husband, holding a big American flag. Sparanese said she has been a longtime Scottsdale resident, and her daughters had played softball with some Scottsdale Police Department officers.

“It’s wonderful that we have a community supporting the Scottsdale Police Department,” she said.

The vehicles followed the procession route, which was about 7 miles, until they got to the Hansen Desert Hills Mortuary and Cemetery for a graveside service.

So died of injuries after a rifle accidentally discharged while he was on duty June 13. He was part of the department's Special Assignment Unit that had completed a search warrant and arrest operation.

While they were unloading equipment, police said So was moving a bag from a vehicle when a rifle from the bag fell to the ground and discharged. He was struck.

Mesa police are investigating So's death, as per protocol.

Republic editor Arlysssa D. Becenti contributed to this article.

This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: Scottsdale Detective Ryan So, who was fatally shot, is laid to rest