Royal wedding row over grass cutting as councillors accused of prioritising Meghan's hotel

One councillor argued the only grass in his area which was cut was the grass around the hotel - PAUL GROVER
One councillor argued the only grass in his area which was cut was the grass around the hotel - PAUL GROVER

A Royal Wedding row has ignited in Buckinghamshire as the county council has been accused of cutting the grass around the hotel Meghan Markle stayed at, at the expense of residents.

In some areas near Cliveden House, Taplow, the grass has not been cut by Buckinghamshire County Council at all, according to one councillor.

Cllr Dev Dhillon, who represents the local area, told The Telegraph that the overgrown verges were "dangerous" because they had grown so high that pedestrians walking to the town centre could not be seen.

He said it was "really appalling" that the grass cut "for the temporary look for the Duchess of Sussex" was prioritised over more well-trodden areas.

Mr Dhillon told The Telegraph: "We normally have a full grass cut in my division and I had a lot of complaints from residents that none of the grass has been done so far this year.

Meghan Markle arrives with her mother Doria Ragland at Cliveden House hotel  - Credit: STEVE PARSONS/AFP
Meghan Markle arrives with her mother Doria Ragland at Cliveden House hotel Credit: STEVE PARSONS/AFP

"Two days before the royal wedding I was going through the foot path and the grass was so high between the path you could not hardly see the people walking

"It's dangerous because the pathway is used by children, adults, going to school, going to the supermarket. If there are any ladies or children it's very dangerous as they are vulnerable on their own and you can't see them. There are times in the day when it is very quiet."

He was pleased to get a call saying grass had been cut - but "disappointed" when he walked around the area and saw that only the Royal Wedding routes had been trimmed.

Buckinghamshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Transportation Mark Shaw said: “We were only made aware that Cliveden was playing a part in the wedding plans the Monday before, so there was in fact very little time. Any verge cutting we did was already planned. We also completed some pothole filling and supplied barriers and cones for traffic management.

“The important thing to say is that none of this impacted on any of the other work we had scheduled right across the County. I make no apologies for our small contribution to such a great day, enjoyed by the nation and indeed the world.”

Budget constraints mean that grass cuts are limited, with some rural roads receiving just one cut a year, while areas with 30-40mph speed limits having four.

However, Mr Dhillon argued that the grass should have been cut long before the Royal Wedding; before it grew so long it obscured pedestrians.