Russia loses five boats in a day in Ukraine's south

Russian patrol boat in the south (illustrative photo)
Russian patrol boat in the south (illustrative photo)

The Russian army lost five boats in south of Ukraine in one day, the Ukrainian Navy spokesperson Dmytro Pletenchuk reported on Facebook on June 13.

Read also: Russia withdraws protection from Crimean Bridge, says Ukrainian Navy spokeperson

"Usually, it's one or two," he said.

"Something must have 'gone wrong.'"

Pletenchuk did not provide any details about the destruction of the Russian boats.

The Russians have lost 28 ships and boats since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Ukraine's General Staff said.

Pletenchuk earlier reported that the Russians concentrated limited forces in southern Ukraine, but this resource was insufficient to break through the defense. The situation remains under the control of Ukraine's Defense Forces.

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