Russians hit critical energy infrastructure facility in Lviv Oblast

Firefighters extinguish a fire. Stock photo: State Emergency Service of Ukraine
Firefighters extinguish a fire. Stock photo: State Emergency Service of Ukraine

The Russians launched a missile attack on a critical energy infrastructure facility in Lviv Oblast on the night of 21-22 June, and a fire broke out there.

Source: Maksym Kozytskyi, Head of Lviv Oblast Military Administration, on Telegram

Details: Kozytskyi noted that firefighters were already working at the scene.

There is no information about any casualties.

Local authorities promised to report on the extent of the damage later.


  • On the evening of 21 June, Ukraine’s Air Force reported the takeoff of four TU-95MS strategic bombers from the Olenya airfield in Russia.

  • Ukraine was also bombarded by Shahed attack drones and tactical aircraft.

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