Solar panel array set to go live at Kenwood Cove Aquatic Park

Something that's abundant during the long summer days in Kansas is soon going to help the city as it powers Kenwood Cove Aquatic Park: the sun.

An array of solar panels was recently installed north of the water park after the city contracted with Schneider Electric on ways to save on its energy costs.

"(The array) is to supplement power use at Kenwood Cove in an effort to reduce overall power consumption provided by Evergy," said Jeff Hammond, director of parks and recreation for the City of Salina. "(This will) aid in reducing the premium demand pricing the city pays."

Solar panels were recently installed near Kenwood Cove Aquatic Park. The panels will be used to supplement power use at the park to reduce the overall demand of consumption.
Solar panels were recently installed near Kenwood Cove Aquatic Park. The panels will be used to supplement power use at the park to reduce the overall demand of consumption.

Hammond said installation of the panels began in May and just recently finished, with final touches to the site, including adding fencing and gates, happening now before the array goes online and begins contributing power.

Why use solar power at Kenwood Cove?

The city began looking at cost savings for utilities a few years ago, and tasked Schneider to audit city-owned facilities on energy consumption, leading to this solar installation.

Schneider's Peter Hinkle spoke to the City Commission on Oct. 23 about that audit, and what the next steps could be as a way to reduce costs, with changes happening like the switch to LED lighting and updated and automated HVAC systems.

While these other changes are necessary too, Hinkle said adding something like solar power to the city is "the more fun and exciting part" of the project.

"(These are) things that people can see from a community perspective," Hinkle said. "This is going to be one of those that I think the community can really get behind."

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For Kenwood Cove, Hinkle said the rates that Evergy charge rely heavily on demand use of power.

"When we looked at your rate, you were sitting right above 300 kW," Hinkle said. "That puts you into a certain rate tariff that costs you significantly higher on your usage, along with your demand."

"By doing this small solar array, 75 kW, and applying and actually removing some of your electrical load ... we'll be able to guarantee and you get you under that 300 kW."

According to Schneider, the cost of installing solar at Kenwood was $420,169, however Hinkle said just this change at Kenwood Cove should see the city's energy costs reduced significantly.

"The total savings on just that one item is around $40,000 (a year) ... just at the solar array or at the pool itself," Hinkle said.

Additionally, the city also was able to get federal solar incentives for this project totaling $140,000. The commission approved this purchase and installation, along with other energy improvements totaling more than $7 million.

This article originally appeared on Salina Journal: Salina's Kenwood Cove set to supplement energy costs with solar panels