Sound Off: June 22, 2024

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Who’s in charge?

A recent Sound Off writer preferred President Biden because, even with his age and health concerns, he is “surrounded by good knowledgeable people.” But, that’s exactly the problem. Recently, “The White House” has clarified statements and made changes to the official record due to Biden’s gaffes. Who on the staff makes these decisions? Who really is in charge that decides what corrections are needed?

The debate

As he approaches the upcoming presidential debate with former president Donald Trump, President Biden needs to heed a warning attributed to Mark Twain, paraphrased: “Never argue with a fool. They’ll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

Hard to keep track

There have been claims in this column that Donald Trump doesn’t lie. There’s a good Wikipedia summary that says he told over 30,000 lies just during his presidency — an average of about 21 per day. Just this week he added to that. He made over two dozen false claims during his rally this past Tuesday in Racine, Wisconsin. I know true cult believers don’t believe “the media,” but CNN has a good summary of each claim and the actual fact.

This is failure?

I would like specifics on the Sound Off saying that as a president, Joe Biden has failed miserably. I think his greatest accomplishment was capping insulin prices at $35. What a lifesaver for so many people. Donald Trump had promised a “beautiful” health care plan, and he never even looked into it. Now Trump is saying that he is going to improve Obamacare. Trump also is now backpedaling on abolishing abortion because he needs votes from people other than white supremacists and “Christians.”

Just too old

If one thinks President Biden is mentally and physically ready and able to serve as president for 4 more years, you are just so anti-conservative and anti-Donald Trump that your ideology needs help. The Democrats can choose another candidate and that would be smart. Joe can’t cross the finish line, either way.

Same complaints

The shrill, panicked hyperbole from Democrats and the leftist media about a potential return of Donald Trump to the White House is reaching levels like standing in front of a jet engine. The comments are vintage Democrat trash reused over and over through decades. They hated Ronald Reagan exposing liberalism and taxation until Americanism brought down the Soviet Union and gave us a soaring economy after Jimmy Carter had burned it to the ground. They made fun of Bush II until 9/11 showed he was the man of the hour like Churchill.

Common sense, huh?

A person wrote in Sound Off that we voters need to use our common sense and vote for Donald Trump over Joe Biden. Common sense would tell anyone that voting for a convicted felon who has more trials to face might be a tad shady.

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