St. Xavier senior Corey Mitchell named Courier Journal Student of the Week

Corey Mitchell is a student at St. Xavier High School.
Corey Mitchell is a student at St. Xavier High School.

St. Xavier High School senior Corey Mitchell is the Courier Journal Student of the Week.

Corey embodies the essence of excellence not only in academics, but also in leadership, sportsmanship and attitude. He has demonstrated exceptional commitment and dedication both on the field and in the classroom. He is a leader among his peers, consistently displaying leadership with younger students and being a mentor around campus.

Corey has an unwavering positive attitude, approaches each challenge with optimism, inspiring those around him to do the same. His positivity is infectious and contributes greatly to the overall morale of the school community. He recently received the distinguished honor of being recognized as an outstanding African American in leadership within the Catholic schools.

The nomination period and poll voting for Student of the Week opens every Monday and closes at noon each Thursday. The students are featured in the Sunday Courier Journal. Schools can nominate students now with this link:

Learn about the Student of the Week nominees:

Anas Jasim, Louisville Central High School: Anas is an early graduate, which means he is graduating in three years instead of four at Louisville Central High School. He has exceeded and completed more than the required courses to make him an early graduate. He has a 4.25 GPA and is in the top 1% of his class. His plans are to be in the medical field. He is involved in many extracurricular activities and is the leader of our Muslim Association for students. He is an overall great student.

Mariela Lozano, Bethlehem High School: Mariela is a dedicated junior at Bethlehem High School whose outstanding academic achievements, unwavering commitment to extracurricular activities and deep involvement in community service make her a shining example for her peers. With a 4.0 GPA in the most challenging courses available, stellar standardized test scores and impeccable attendance, Mariela sets the bar high for excellence in academics. She is actively engaged in various honor societies including the National Honor Society and National Spanish Honor Society, alongside being a valued member of the BETA club, Pep Club, Interact Club and Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Not stopping there, Mariela excels on the field as a member of both the varsity soccer and track teams, demonstrating her prowess in athletics. Moreover, her dedication to her faith is evident through her role as a Eucharistic minister and her efforts in organizing events such as the Our Lady of Guadalupe Night for her local parish. Outside of school, Mariela generously volunteers her time with organizations like the Souper Bowl of Caring and Handy Hands, showing her compassion for the elderly in her community.

Audrey Duran Martinez, Fairdale High School: Audrey will definitely leave a hole in Fairdale High School when she graduates. She is involved in our Multicultural Club, participates in our Dual-Credit program with JCTC, is a member of the yearbook staff, National Honors Society and Beta Club chapters. She also helps at our local Dare to Care with translation, is always willing to help translate for adults, lead new students on tours, and more. Audrey is a 2023 Kentucky Governor's Scholar, a 2024 Quest Bridge Scholar and looks forward to continuing her education at Notre Dame where she will begin her pursuit of a medical degree.

Danna Rendon Ramirez, Marion Moore High School: Danna is driven, motivated and an exemplar student at Moore. She works hard to maintain exemplar academic standing, helps assist others with her bilingualism and represents the school in a positive light with her strong work ethic and good attitude.

To nominate someone for the Courier Journal Student of the Week, use this link:
To nominate someone for the Courier Journal Student of the Week, use this link:

Reach features news clerk Gege Reed at

This article originally appeared on Louisville Courier Journal: St. Xavier senior Corey Mitchell named Student of the Week