State grant to aid Raleigh sheriff with investigating child exploitation crimes

The Raleigh County Sheriff’s Office received a grant to help it investigate child exploitation crimes.

West Virginia Delegate Todd Kirby, R-Raleigh, presented a check for $8,000 to Raleigh County Sheriff J.C. Canaday on Tuesday at the sheriff’s headquarters.

Canaday said the funds would be used to purchase equipment used to investigate child exploitation crimes such as child trafficking, child sexual offenses and child predators.

“We actually started in 2017, making it a priority here at the sheriff’s office to investigate not only reactively but proactively investigate child exploitation crimes,” Canaday said. “And I’ve got to say that in the years that I’ve been in law enforcement, I was shocked at the number of child exploitation crimes that are out there and the number of people that actually try to come here or lure our children somewhere else.”

Since 2017, Canaday said the Raleigh Sheriff’s Office has been part of a task force with local, state and federal agencies dedicated to investigating child exploitation crimes.

He added that it will be this task force that utilizes the funds.

“This will make a significant impact on investigative tools,” Canaday said. “It doesn’t go to pay salaries or overtime, but it will go to different investigative tools – electronic equipment – that the task force can use.”

Kirby, who also serves as an assistant prosecuting attorney for the Raleigh County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, said he was pleased to be able to secure funds for the task force.

“It’s near and dear to my heart to do anything to try and protect the children,” Kirby said.

As an assistant prosecutor, Kirby said he primarily works on child abuse and neglect cases, which means he understands, more than most, the importance of the sheriff’s task force’s work in this area.

Kirby said the money came from discretionary funds called the Local Economic Development Assistance (LEDA) funds that state legislators can utilize.

He added that the funds will help target individuals who commit crimes against children as well as prevent them.

“Anytime that you can prevent tragedies from happening, especially to children, it’s always better than trying to come behind and pick up the pieces,” Kirby said. “And that’s exactly my understanding of this program. It is extremely helpful in preventing these crimes as opposed to just trying to catch the perpetrator afterwards.”