Sturgeon making children wear masks was political, Sir Patrick Vallance wrote in Covid diary

Nicola Sturgeon on her decision to force secondary school students to wear masks
Nicola Sturgeon went against the grain when she forced secondary school pupils to wear masks in schools
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Nicola Sturgeon’s decision to force Scotland’s secondary school children to wear face masks was “totally political” and “not based on medical advice”, Sir Patrick Vallance wrote in his Covid diary.

Sir Patrick, who was the UK Government’s chief scientific adviser during the pandemic, noted in August 2020 that “Scotland breaks ranks on face coverings and schools”.

In extracts published by the UK Covid Inquiry, he said this was despite the four chief medical officers (CMOs) from the home nations issuing a statement the previous day on the risks to children that made no mention of the need for masks.

The statement concluded: “Very few, if any, children or teenagers will come to long-term harm from Covid-19 due solely to attending school. This has to be set against a certainty of long-term harm to many children and young people from not attending school.”

Sir Patrick wrote three days later about Matt Hancock, who was then UK health secretary:

Despite this, Boris Johnson performed an about-turn and announced that face coverings would be mandatory in secondary school communal areas and corridors in areas of England under high levels of Covid restrictions.

The Telegraph’s Lockdown Files disclosed last year that Sir Chris Whitty, England’s CMO, said there were “no very strong reasons” for introducing the change but it was “not worth an argument” with Ms Sturgeon.

Sir Patrick’s diary extracts also addressed Ms Sturgeon’s controversial Covid “elimination” strategy, claiming it had been abandoned by Sept 2020 despite public claims to the contrary.

He noted SNP ministers were “trying to manage numbers like we are!” and “any talk of elimination is long gone”.

Sir Patrick Vallance said Nicola Sturgeon's decision on face masks in schools was not based on medical evidence
Sir Patrick Vallance said Nicola Sturgeon's decision on face masks in schools was not based on medical evidence - Adrian Dennis/pa/pa

Prof Devi Sridhar, a public health adviser to Ms Sturgeon, was the most high-profile supporter of a “zero Covid” strategy.

But Sir Patrick wrote: “Devi Sridhar and Scotland seem to have forgotten their ‘elimination strategy that England should follow’ as students are locked in Glasgow University and cases soar.”

The final entry, dated Dec 26 2021, noted that the three devolved administrations “get same science + make different political policy choices”.

Sturgeon’s evidence

The extracts were published after Ms Sturgeon’s marathon evidence session before the inquiry in January, during which she was accused of letting her “burning desire” for independence drive her response to the pandemic.

The inquiry also heard accusations that Ms Sturgeon had pursued a doomed “zero Covid” strategy that ignored expert advice as she wanted to be “the person that drove Covid out of Scotland”.

Ms Sturgeon denied the allegations, saying she had listened to a wide range of advisers and was “motivated solely by trying to do the best we could to keep people as safe as possible”.

But the inquiry was shown Cabinet minutes dated June 30, 2020, in which ministers “agreed that consideration be given to restarting work on independence and a referendum”, taking into account “the experience of the coronavirus crisis”.

On Aug 23 that year a “consensus statement” was issued by the four chief medical officers on “the current evidence of risks and benefits to health from schools and childcare settings reopening”.

“We are confident in the extensive evidence that there is an exceptionally small risk of children of primary or secondary school age dying from Covid-19,” it said.

No medical advice

Although it said the virus was transmitted in schools, it said it was “probably not a common route” and argued that “control measures” such as hand washing and reducing face-to-face contact would minimise any risk. No mention was made of masks.

But the following day, Aug 24, Ms Sturgeon told her daily media briefing that her government was in the “final stages” of consulting teachers and councils on recommending staff and pupils in secondary schools wear masks in corridors and communal areas.

The then first minister cited new World Health Organisation guidance recommending face coverings for over-12s in areas where “physical distancing is not possible”.

In his diary entry that day, Sir Patrick wrote: “Scotland breaks ranks over face coverings despite CMO (Whitty) having worked hard to get all CMOs aligned to a very good statement released the day before.”

Three days later, on Aug 27, he said Mr Hancock was “praising himself for mask decision”, in an apparent reference to face coverings not being made mandatory in all English schools.

In another extract, on July 28 that year, Sir Patrick wrote that Scotland was changing its lockdown rules ahead of the UK.

He noted that Boris Johnson ranted that in Scotland “all they have done is tell everyone to stay at home at the English taxpayers expense” before “[Michael] Gove calmed him down”.

After a meeting of Cobra on Sept 25 2020, he said Scotland was “clearly going their own way despite professing wanting to do things together – any talk of elimination is long gone”.

‘Friction at the border’

Later that year, on Nov 22, he noted that Ms Sturgeon had agreed to a Christmas plan “in principle”, which he said meant she “will change”. Five days before Christmas 2020, he noted there were concerns in Cobra about “friction at the border”.

In Feb 2021, he wrote: “Note that most cases were in Scotland which has been bragging about tougher border measures zero Covid etc”.

Writing in Sept 2021, he said the Prime Minister “looks at the Scottish numbers + trajectory + gets concerned”.

The following month, he noted that New Zealand had formally ended its elimination policy, adding: “Scotland gave up their attempt months ago.”

A University of Edinburgh spokesman said Prof Sridhar would not be commenting on the notebooks.

“Professor Sridhar has nothing further to add beyond the comments she made at the Covid inquiry in January.”

A spokesman for Ms Sturgeon said: “As Nicola made clear when she gave evidence to the inquiry, every decision she made throughout the pandemic sought to protect people across Scotland as best as possible during an incredible difficult and uncertain time.”

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