Tanzania postpones referendum on constitution

Tanzania's President Jakaya Kikwete attends the 24th Ordinary session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union (AU) at the African Union headquarters in Ethiopia's capital Addis Ababa, January 31, 2015. REUTERS/Tiksa Negeri

DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) - Tanzania has postponed a referendum on a new constitution after delays in registering voters, the electoral body said on Thursday, heightening tensions over the charter which has been rejected by the main opposition parties. The delays could complicate presidential and parliamentary elections due to be held in October. Attacks on Christian and Muslim leaders over the past few years have raised concerns of an escalation of sectarian violence in relatively stable and secular Tanzania, east Africa's second largest economy. The new constitution would replace one passed in 1977 when the state was under one-party rule. The opposition says it was approved last year without a quorum by an assembly dominated by President Jakaya Kikwete's Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) party, which has been in power since Tanzania's independence from Britain in 1961. The electoral commission said it has not received enough biometric voter registration kits to enable the vote on the constitution to take place as planned on April 30. "The previously announced referendum ... has been postponed until the National Electoral Commission announces a new date," it said in a statement late on Thursday. "Since the registration of voters has not been completed, the electoral commission will not be able to proceed with the referendum on the new constitution." Before quitting the constitutional assembly last April, opposition parties and civil society groups had sought limits presidential powers and a federal system of government. A group of bishops has urged Christian worshippers to vote against the proposed constitution, saying it was not written by an inclusive assembly. President Kikwete, a moderate Muslim, warned clerics not to meddle in politics and said tensions between Muslims and Christians threatened peace. Tanzania's population of 45 million is roughly evenly split between Muslims and Christians.