Terrebonne Parish hires outside law firm to investigate curb repairs

The Terrebonne Parish Government hired an outside law firm to investigate curbside repairs to learn if government funds were used on private property.

Terrebonne Parish Councilman Brien Pledger acknowledged that he was questioned at 2 p.m. Friday regarding his request to repair a constituent's damaged curb. Council Chairman John Amedee said the investigation includes Pledger, Director of Public Works David Rome, Norris and Boudreaux Contractors LLC and repairs done in Baptiste Circle in Houma.

The interviews took place in the Parish Council's meeting chambers from 7 a.m. until 3 p.m.

"They're checking to make sure there's no violation of the law in regards to the parish government repairing something on private property," Amedee said. "Because we are not allowed to do that."

The Terrebonne Parish Government opened an investigation, June 21, into street repairs to ensure government funds were not spent on private property. Councilman Brien Pledger was among those interviewed and says he did nothing wrong.
The Terrebonne Parish Government opened an investigation, June 21, into street repairs to ensure government funds were not spent on private property. Councilman Brien Pledger was among those interviewed and says he did nothing wrong.

According to Louisiana law, the parish government may only repair public property, unless damage was done to the private property by the government.

Pledger acknowledged that he sent a video to Rome of the damaged curb during Gordy Dove's administration. Repairs were not completed prior to Parish President Jason Bergeron taking office. Rome said he met with the lawyers today but did not wish to speak on the matter.

"To me I think it's a lot to do with a misunderstanding, perhaps, but I'm not going to comment on anything," Rome said.

After the new administration came into office, Pledger said he asked Director of Communications Robbie Lee about making the repairs. Pledger was later brought into a meeting with Bergeron, Lee and Planning and Zoning Director Christopher Pulaski, where he was told that the parish could not make the repairs. Pledger said he left the matter alone after that meeting.

The constituent later contacted Pledger to say the repairs had been completed. Pledger said he was curious about it and learned that Boudreaux had made the repairs. Pledger maintains that he never told Boudreaux to carry out the work. The Houma Courier left a voicemail for Boudreaux and has not heard back from him.

"As far as my end, I did nothing wrong," Pledger said.

This article originally appeared on The Courier: Terrebonne Parish hires outside law firm to investigate curb repairs