Thousands of passengers stranded in Lima airport

STORY: :: Thousands of passengers scramble in Lima, Peru

after a runway-light failure canceled hundreds of flights

:: June 3, 2024

:: Peruvian aviation officials said on the social network X

that the failure was caused by a ‘circuit in the electrical system’

The failure occurred on Sunday night (June 2) and local and international flights due to arrive at Lima airport were diverted to other airports in Peru and in neighboring countries such as Chile, Colombia and Ecuador, the terminal administrator said.

Reuters and local television images showed hundreds of passengers queuing and seeking to reschedule their domestic or international flights or getting ready to board delayed flights, while others slept in the aisles or airport seats awaiting information.

According to the state-owned Peruvian Airports and Commercial Aviation Corporation (Corpac) in a message on social network X, the failure was caused by a ‘circuit in the electrical system’ of the lights on the edge of the terminal's runway.