Ukraine clarifies travel ban for dual citizens amid misinterpretations

Ukrainian passport
Ukrainian passport

The recent statement by the U.S. Embassy about the ban for dual or multiple citizenship holders eligible for military service to leave Ukraine has been misinterpreted, State Border Guard Service spokesperson Andriy Demchenko told Ukrainian news outlet on June 5.

“Once again, I would like to point out that dual citizenship is prohibited in Ukraine,” he said, adding that Ukrainians with passports from other countries are still considered Ukrainian citizens with national rights and obligations, and that these norms have been in place before.

Border guards regularly encounter cases of Ukrainians trying to pass themselves off as foreigners at passport control. They are always taken to court.

Read also: Zelenskyy to submit bill on multiple citizenship to Ukrainian parliament

"At the same time, they should not be confused with Ukrainian citizens who permanently reside outside Ukraine and who had in their documents the appropriate marks on the registration of travel abroad for permanent residence and a stamp of permanent consular registration at a foreign diplomatic mission of Ukraine."

Previously, Ukrainian men between the ages of 18 and 60 with dual citizenship were allowed to travel outside of Ukraine during martial law, but recent changes in the law have in fact restricted this possibility.

On June 4, the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine announced that as of June 1, Ukraine had abolished the clause that allowed individuals with dual or multiple citizenships to leave the country even if they were eligible for military service.

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