A Child Fainting While The Lousiana Governor Signs The Ten Commandments School Bill Into Law Is Going Viral

A Child Fainting While The Lousiana Governor Signs The Ten Commandments School Bill Into Law Is Going Viral

The state of Louisiana signed a controversial law into effect that requires public schools to post the Ten Commandments in classrooms across the state.

A display of commandments including "Thou shalt do no Murder," "Thou shalt not commit Adultery," and "Thou shalt not Steal."
Geography Photos / Geography Photos/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

A video of the governor signing the bill is going viral.

Twitter: @therecount

Why is it going viral? Well, a child seemingly faints behind him.

Twitter: @AnthonyMKreis

Yes, a fainting child.

Twitter: @LEBassett

"We are all the fainting child, unfortunately," this person said.

Twitter: @NextGenAmerica

"The child fainting behind him makes this a Veep credits scene," another person said.

Twitter: @virginia_reed

The whole thing is pretty jarring.

Twitter: @HRMKingDavid

Just another day in the good ol' USA, I guess!

Twitter: @jacorn_kiwi