Visalia City Council votes to form logo committee

Visalia City Council followed up on its earlier decision to replace the new but unpopular city logo by forming a committee to oversee the process.

The new “Breaking through the V” logo, which was selected from among 29 options, was not well received by many Visalia residents who considered it unrepresentative of the city. Residents also described it as lacking character and being geographically incorrect.

As a result, the city council voted on June 3 to replace the new logo.

Feedback from a community survey called for the artwork to be simple, casual, and modern, and have a small town/hometown feel but with a big city feel and amenities, while being vibrant and family friendly. Visuals in the logo should include agriculture, oak trees, a view of the mountains and downtown.

Visalia City Council hears public comment regarding the new City of Visalia logo Monday, June 3, 2024.
Visalia City Council hears public comment regarding the new City of Visalia logo Monday, June 3, 2024.

Next steps

A five-person “City of Visalia Brand Refresh Logo Design Committee” will be formed to make recommendations about how a new logo will be selected, who can submit a design, what compensation the designer of the new logo will receive, and the timetable of the process.

Each of the city council members will appoint one member to the committee.

A report, presented at the June 17 meeting by Communications Manager Allison Mackey, included recommendations about the logo selection process, including a timetable with a two-week submission process and a 12-day public comment feedback period.

City council plans to select the new logo at its Aug. 5 meeting.

The report listed drafting guidelines such as that the logo must include Visalia, should retain “strong V” shape, and must be original artwork.

Who will be on the committee?

There was discussion about who should be represented on the committee, and local artists were the first group mentioned.

Vice Mayor Brett Taylor suggested also including someone in tourism who helps bring conventions and other events to the city. Council member Steve Nelsen suggested that the committee have a member “who understands logos.”

Many of the Visalia residents who participated in a survey before the “Breaking through the V” logo was selected expressed the opinion that the logo should be created by someone living in Visalia.

“We should find someone local,” agreed Councilman Emmanuel Hernandez Soto. “We’re a big enough city and we have the talent.”

“I don’t want to figure out the legalities of who is local,” said Taylor, following questions about the eligibility of former residents, and those now living away at school.

“If you’re just outside Visalia, you can’t make a logo?” asked Mayor Brian Poochigian rhetorically about limiting submissions to only those who live within city limits.

The new committee will make a recommendation about geographic eligibility.

“I would like to see this move fast,” said Nelsen, before making the motion to form the committee. Earlier in the meeting, he expressed his feelings about the logo discussion. “It amazes me we’re spending so much time on a logo when there are so many issues we have to deal with.”

The new logo selection process does not affect the city council’s June 3 decision to retain the logo that served Visalia for almost 25 years as the city’s “legacy logo,” and to display it in city government buildings.

How can residents submit their logo design?

Community members, artists, and designers can submit their artwork for Visalia’s new logo through the city's Visalia Logo Redesign Process.

Submissions are accepted online or at the Visalia Administration Office at 220 N. Santa Fe St., Visalia, until 5 p.m. on Tuesday, July 2.

“Logos must be original artwork and should be of a design that elevates the city of Visalia brand,” states the city website. “Submitted logos should retain the strong V present in the most recently presented ‘Breaking Through the V’ logo and feature no more than five colors.”

Following the logo submission process, entries will be reviewed by the Brand Refresh Logo Design Committee before a selection of logos are presented for public comment. The city council will receive the committee’s recommendation and public feedback before making a final decision.

For more information about submitting a logo design, visit or email the city communications manager at

This article originally appeared on Visalia Times-Delta: Visalia City Council to appoint committee to oversee logo selection process