Weather Permitting: Warm, muggy week ahead for Fayetteville

After a sunny, mild weekend, the Cape Fear region will see more humid days, with scattered storms and temperatures pushing 90 degrees.

In other words, summer's on the way.

Every day this work week will see at least a chance of scattered showers in the afternoon and evening. They're going to be hard to predict, as is often the case with popcorn showers, so you might want to carry an umbrella to any outdoor events.

Shower chances will increase during the week.
Shower chances will increase during the week.

Here's the setup

The dry air we enjoyed over the weekend is gone. Humid conditions have seeped into the Carolinas, with dew points in the upper 60s. A series of weak energy packets will drift through over the next few days, each one capable of triggering showers.

For now, the odds of severe weather appear slim. Aside from some thunder, the only concern is that some storms will be slow-movers that drop considerable rain over a small area.

With a southerly flow, Fayetteville can look for rising temperatures as well. Monday will top out in the upper 80s, and Tuesday should climb above 90. Mid-week appears to be the warmest time, with highs Wednesday and Thursday topping 90.

Cloud cover and afternoon showers could change that, of course, but overall it looks like a warm, muggy week ahead. Low temperatures across the region should hold a degree or two either side of 70.

Later in the week, look for a cold front pushing through, likely late Thursday or early Friday. In its wake, slightly cooler, sunshine and much drier air return for the weekend. Highs should hold in the mid-80s in Fayetteville, lows in the mid-60s.

All clear in the tropics — for now.
All clear in the tropics — for now.

In the tropics

We've officially begun the 2024 Atlantic season quietly. There's no indication of development for the next week or so, despite warm water in the Gulf and Caribbean.

This time of year, storm activity often spawns from the tail end of dying frontal boundaries — like the front that is moving through the Cape Fear region later this week. We'll keep an eye on things.

Meanwhile, keep an umbrella handy and have a great week!

Got a weather question? Chick Jacobs can be reached at or NCWeatherhound on X/Twitter.

This article originally appeared on The Fayetteville Observer: Weather in Fayetteville this week to be warm and muggy