We're settling the debate, Michigan: At what temperature do you set your AC thermostat?

It's the age-old question that can divide households and spur tiptoe trips to the thermostat: At what temperature do you set your air conditioning thermostat?

Michigan's hot summer months are upon us and 87% of the state's households use air conditioning equipment to stay cool, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

In metro Detroit, temperatures approaching 100 degrees this week have brought dire warnings from officials, urging people to stay inside as much as possible.

So what is the temperature sweet spot to keep everyone in your family comfortable? It's time to settle the debate among Michiganders.

Can't see the poll? Follow the link here to vote.

Ways to conserve energy

Cranking up the air conditioning can put stress on Michigan's electric grid and your own air conditioning unit. If you can crank your thermostat up a couple of degrees, it can bring some relief to the system. Here are a few other ideas to conserve energy in your home:

  • Close your blinds before leaving home during the day.

  • Turn on your fans to help circulate the air.

  • Wear light clothing to stay cool.

  • Limit the use of high‐energy appliances during peak hours.

  • Switch off lights and unplug appliances when not in use.

  • If possible, invest in smart thermostats and energy‐efficient appliances.

The Arizona Republic contributed to this report.

This article originally appeared on Detroit Free Press: What's most popular AC temperature in Michigan?