Young Usher Called 'Hero' For Stopping Tennessee Church Shooting

A young church usher in Antioch, Tennessee, was hailed a 'hero' by the police for confronting the masked gunman who opened fire at the church, Sept. 24, 2017.

A young church usher in Antioch, Tennessee, was hailed a ‘hero’ by the police on Sunday for confronting a masked gunman who opened fire at the church.

According to reports, 22-year-old Robert Caleb Engle tried to stop the suspect, Emanuel Samson, by physically engaging him. The usher — who goes by the name Caleb — confronted Samson after he entered the church and opened fire, preventing him from causing further damage. The gunfire killed at least one person and injured seven others.

Samson also pistol-whipped Engel multiple times during the confrontation, according to the Tennessean. Engel who was bleeding from his head due to the attack, then ran outside to his car to get his gun and held the shooter at gunpoint until the police arrived at the scene.

Alleged gunman Samson shot himself in the chest during his struggle with Engle, police said. It is not known if the bullet was fired accidentally or on purpose. “There was a significant struggle between the two,” said Don Aaron, Metropolitan Nashville police spokesman.

“After the gunman suffered the self-inflicted wound, the church usher… ran to his car, got his gun, came back in, and made sure the gunman didn’t make any more movements until the police officers arrived,” Aaron told journalists. He added that Engel was an “exceptionally brave individual.”

“He's the hero,” Police Chief Steve Anderson said. “He's the person who stopped this madness.”

The young usher was being treated at a local hospital for his injury.

Engle's grandmother said Sunday afternoon that she was proud of her grandson, the Tennessean reported. "That’s like him. He’s just someone who cares about a lot of people. He has all their feelings at heart," said Rheta Engle. "It would make any parent, grandparent very, very proud of him."

His friend, Blake Langford described Engel as a “great guy” and called him a “gentle giant.” "He’s just a great guy," Langrod, said. "Just one of the kindest human beings you’ll ever meet."

In a statement put out after the shooting, Engel said: "I’ve been going to this church my whole life since I was a small child. I would have never, ever thought something like this would have happened."

"I ask everyone to pray for the victims, family members of the victims, our church community. Please pray for healing. Also, please pray for the shooter, the shooter’s family, and friends."

"They are hurting as well.I pray that through all of this that people will come to know Christ and I ask our nation to reflect on Romans 8:31, ‘If God is for us, who can be against us?'”

When asked about being called a hero, Engel said the glory belonged to the police and doctors. “I do not want to be labeled a hero. The real heroes are the police, first responders, and medical staff and doctors who have helped me and everyone affected. My hope is for privacy for all involved,” he said.

According to his Facebook page, Engel, who is from La Vergne, formerly worked for Yates Services at Nissan Smyrna vehicle assembly plant in Tennessee.

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