True Stories: Crew Member on a Haunted Cruise Ship Tells All


The infamous Queen Mary (All photo: Courtesy Dave Wooders)

As told to Jeryl Brunner

When he was a boy in Southampton, England, Dave Wooders was enchanted by the grand ocean liners that he saw pull in and out of port. After he left school he jumped at the chance to work as a bellboy aboard the famed RMS Queen Mary. It was 1957, he had just turned 16. Although he says, “my time on the Queen Mary was absolutely fantastic,” little did he realize that the ship was haunted by spirits of those who had died on the ship. Even now that she is permanently docked in Long Beach and a floating Hotel, there are still chilling accounts of the spirits aboard. Just in time for Halloween, Wooders, co-author (with J‎ames Radford) of Adventures on the Queen Mary, recounts some of the scarier moments aboard the legendary cruise liner.

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1. “I can’t get out!”


The pool

In the changing rooms by the pool, there were removable slats on the floor. We would take them out, throw them into the pool, brush them off with scrubbing brushes, then put them back in. Once, when we were outside the changing room, one of the workers came running out towards us screaming “I hear a man crying saying, ‘I can’t get out!’ I hear him crying loud, but I don’t see anyone. I’m the only one in there.” This young lad was in a hell of a state. His was pale white and terrified. I thought, there’s no way anybody could [fake that]. He obviously heard something. So I ran to the swimming pool attendant who said “The guy crying was a first class passenger — a couple of years ago now he died in there. Tell your lads not to worry about it.” But obviously we did. It was traumatic. That story story stays with me. It really did it for me to convince me that the ship was haunted. From then on I was a bit nervous going in there. It was “You go in tonight. I’ll do it tomorrow night” type of thing.

2. The vanishing ladies


Are these hallways haunted?

Onboard was a guy we’d call “Boots” because at night he went to the first class passengers’ alleyways to clean the shoes outside the cabins. He was cleaning shoes and a lady walked along and was wearing old world-y clothes, which seemed strange. He said “Goodnight ma’am,” and she looked at him and he went on cleaning the shoes. Within a second or so, he looked up to find that the lady had vanished. She just disappeared. They were in an area with no cabin doors. It was just plain bulkheads. So there wasn’t anywhere for her to turn and go into a cabin.

There’s also a story about a female passenger who saw a woman coming up the stairs towards her in one of the alleyways. She looked up thinking that this person was going to pass her. But the woman disappeared. She went straight to the purser’s office and told them what happened. They said, “Oh don’t worry. They won’t hurt you.”

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3. The mysterious crying children

Another time, Boots was outside a cabin and heard some kids crying inside. He went to the night officer and got him to come down and check it out. The security guy had a key and he could open any cabin. So he opened the door and the cabin was empty. In fact the cabin wasn’t even used during that trip. But Boots could hear these two kids crying.

Another crew member, a young lad who was training to be a butcher, had to go to into the cold storage area to get milk every day. He heard a child crying, but never saw the child, which of course scared him.

4. The flying dishes


Dishes went a’ flyin’.

Late at night when everybody had left the kitchen — apart from the guys that cleaned during night — all of a sudden plates flew straight across the galley and smashed on the floor. But the ship wasn’t rolling. The ship was still.

Many times waiters would sense something strange, a presence, and would drop trays.

5. The last beer

The ship’s cook who cooked for the greasers (a.k.a., the engine room staff) was a bit of a character onboard. He liked his beer and drank six or eight pints a day. He was well-known onboard and never a problem. During one trip a new officer came onboard and saw the cook with a pint of beer — at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. The officer said, “You shouldn’t be drinking on duty,” and the cook said, “I’ve always done it.” The officer said, “Well, you’ll stop now.” That evening, he went up to what we used to call the Pig ‘n’ Whistle forward bar, and put his pint [glass] on there and said, “Fill it up.” But the barman said, “Sorry, we’ve been told by one of the officers we can’t serve you.” So he went to a different bar. They said exactly the same thing. The cook replied, “If you won’t serve me, I’ll go ashore and get a pint.” He jumped over the side. Around 18 months later, people said that they saw him walking down the working alleyway in his aprons holding his pint [glass]. Then he would disappear.

6. The crew member who never left


Wooders, in his cruising days.

Years ago, when she was afloat, a young engineer lad was messing about, showing off to his mates. When the ship started to go, he tripped. He was in the doorway of an airtight door, and it closed, killing him. The door was watertight door number 13. Now when people visit the Queen Mary, they’re shown that watertight door. People have said there’s something cold that goes over them where this guy had been killed.

Visit the Queen Mary if you dare: “Certainly lots of people have heard voices over the years,” says Wooders. “People who visit the Queen Mary now feel that there’s just something lurking.”

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