Lost an AirPod? Here's where you can get another one

 Back Market AirPods.
Credit: Back Market

Did you know that over 1/4 of wireless earphone wearers have lost one of their earbuds in the last five years? And even more surprisingly, 88% of Brits apparently have no idea that you can buy singular AirPods. That's according to secondhand tech marketplace, Back Market, which has brought back selling single AirPods.

Now I know what you're thinking. Who is going to want to purchase a used earbud? Even the best AirPods Pro prices in new condition can be super expensive, so if you're after just a solo bud it's a no-brainer to shop secondhand (and yes, the used earbuds or AirPods always get thoroughly cleaned - I used to work in a secondhand tech store so take my word for it).

Most people in this predicament of having lost an Airpod (you're not alone, we've all been there) feel that the solution is to either buy an expensive new pair or throw away the solo earphone. Stop doing this! Electronic waste is a big issue. Online retailer Back Market is offering single refurbished earphones/AirPods on its website, so your solo earbud needn't be lonely for much longer.

AirPods 3
AirPods 3

Devices on Back Market can cost up to 50% less than buying brand-new ones. Currently, a pair of 3rd generation AirPods from Apple will cost you £169, whereas a refurbished pair sells for £137 / $113.29 via Back Market – and a refurbished single AirPod (3rd Gen) costs just £59 / $59. If you're still a little sceptical about buying used tech, see our guide to shopping for refurbished Apple tech to learn more, and understand how it can seriously benefit the environment too.

Another thing to note is that refurbished tech usually has a much better warranty thrown in than you would usually get with new products, to reassure customers that the item is in good working order, and you'll be covered should anything go wrong.

According to Back Market's research, most people who have lost an earphone believe it has been misplaced at home (38%), while 23% of people have lost an AirPod on the street, 16% on the bus, 15% at work, 11% at the gym, 6% of earphones are found in bars/clubs – and lastly, a quarter (24%) of adults surveyed were completely bamboozled as to where they could've lost their earphone.

Back Market AirPods
Back Market AirPods

Back Market has also been on a mission to help people "recouple" with lost earphones in a collaboration with Love Island twins Jess & Eve Gale. The duo have become Back Market campaign ambassadors and took to the streets of London to help UK residents recouple their lost tech.

So there you have it. Next time you misplace an AirPod, be sure to hit up Back Market and grab yourself a singular earbud, save some money, and reduce global e-waste at the same time. It's a win for everybody.

If we can't convince you to shop refurbished, that's okay. There are still some ways to save with Apple's Student Discount if you are enrolled in education. We also have a clever deals widget below rounding up the best prices and deals on Apple AirPods in your region, updating 24/7.