Jimmy Kimmel Creates Donald Trump Ad 'Made by the Poorly Educated'


After winning the Nevada Republican caucus, Donald Trump proclaimed that he loves the “poorly educated,” leading Jimmy Kimmel to imagine what an ad created by Trump’s “poorly educated” supporters would look like.

“He loves the poorly educated — who says that?” asked Kimmel, laughing. He added, “The poorly educated love him so much they made him this advertisement.”

Warning: Explicit Language

The comical ad features multiple misspelled words and grammatical errors. “In dangerous times, America needs a leader,” a voiceover says before the word “leeder” is superimposed on a picture of Donald Trump. “Someone who’s tough enough to stand up to the ‘terists.’”

The ad also talks about taking action against dictators like “Voldemort Putin of Russia” and “Lil Kim of North Korea.”

Kimmel also took a shot at Kanye West, claiming he had a clip of Trump speaking in Nevada before he “accidentally” aired a video of the rapper yelling about Amber Rose.

Read More: Trump Wins Nevada GOP Caucuses