
DEC 22 - JAN 19

Work and Play

The sun is in inquisitive Gemini and your lifestyle sector as the month begins, Capricorn, so get ready for three weeks of busyness and new discoveries. You’ll be curious about many things, leading to you get involved in plans and projects that sync with your interests. This is a good time to assess your priorities and avoid taking on too much.

Your leisure zone is in focus too, and with jovial Jupiter continuing its journey here for some time, you’ll be fascinated by hobbies, creative projects, and socializing. If you have artistic talent, this is a great time to showcase your work and perhaps start selling it. You could do really well with the right approach.

The full moon in a private sector on June 3 encourages you to kick back and unwind. Even if you have busy days ahead of you, acknowledging this lunar phase and working with it can bring many useful insights and revelations.

The big news this month is that potent Pluto moves back into your sign on the eleventh and stays here until January 2024. If you have goals and ambitions that you haven’t yet realized, Pluto’s return might encourage you to have another try with a view toward succeeding this time.

Prudent Saturn turns retrograde in your sector of communication on June 17. This could make life a little easier, especially if you’ve been working a lot. This influence encourages you to work smarter rather than harder and save yourself time.

The new moon in Gemini, also on the seventeenth, is great for kick-starting new habits and lifestyle changes that can leave you feeling happier and healthier.

Finally, as the sun eases into Cancer on June 21, your relationships and social life come into focus. The coming four weeks or so are excellent for negotiating, closing deals, working on teams, and collaborating. You might feel a natural urge to spend more time with your partner and other close ones.

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This month
Illustrations by Jo Ratcliffe